Yesterday was wind down day, I did manage to visit the museum that was closed earlier in the week and it was excellent, well worth the entrance fee.
I spent the rest of the day filling the car up, buying food for tomorrow’s 360 mile trip to Paris and then chilling out, the temperature got up to nearly 30C but the forecast is for cooler weather especially as I head north but it did mean I could wear the shorts and T shirt probably for the last time this year. Wrong it was sunny again this morning, so shorts again.
That was a long drive away from the toll roads, I stopped for a picnic at the halfway point and arrived here at Eurocamp Paris just after 5pm. After all Billy’s recommendations I was really looking forward to the experience but it was not to be. The reception was closed and after phoning the number scrawled on a piece of scrap paper stuck to the window the smelly little oik turned up took my name and ticked it off in the book and then gave me a folded up piece of paper and asked if there was anything I wanted to know. Obviously staff training is not a high priority with Eurocamp. It turns out the the folded up paper contained the caravan keys but it was the wrong van so he sorted that out then I had to drag all the necessary information out of him and go and find my new home for the next two days. I would have been better going to Rhyl! When I saw the outside of the grubby caravan my heart sank, it did not look anything like the illustration in the brochure and when I opened the door I nearly fainted from the cloud of obnoxious perfume that hit me, obviously some kind of air spray to hide the musty smell of the place. I know I did not book the premier class of caravan but this is real economy class and having just come from a wonderful isolated gite at less than the price of this shed I was not impressed. However, after thoroughly airing the place one opening the wine things got a little better, let’s see what happens tomorrow.
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