Sunday, 7 October 2018

Every cloud............

After my experience of yesterday evening I wasn’t up to preparing my evening meal so I ent to check out the bar, snack bar, restaurant and shop which all turned out to be one establishment and not very appealing so I headed back to my lonely shed only to be accosted by some Polish guys I had said hello to on the way out, they invited me over for a beer which was accompanied by slices of cold sausage and followed rapidly by some kind of clear hooch which tasted like a fruity vodka, they are over here working on a computer infrastructure project and living on site to keep expenses down, isn’t it amazing, half a dozen guys from what was a country behind the iron curtain and they all speak reasonable English and now French, they say that besides the English they got from school the rest came from Friends and other TV programmes. I left there feeling a bit woozy only to get nobbled by the Bulgarians a few vans down the road they said I had to join them for a drink because I had stopped off at the Polish camp but these guys were hospitality in itself I was given a glass of red wine and a bowl of something that resembled goulash, just what I needed to soak up the alcohol. They were over working on the same project as the Polish guys and included in their crew a Latvian guy, and two Italians and for the most part they spoke in Italian but again they all had enough English to ask questions and understand my answers. Needless to say I slept well last night.

It was hammering down this morning so I stayed where I was until it stopped before venturing out I had initially planned on visiting Versailles or the Louvre but the place was so busy that I abandoned the attempt and picked up some grub before returning back to the campsite. I did learn some things about driving over here, changing lanes is the norm and signals although the etiquette are not mandatory nor are the speeds in different lanes so undertaking is quite acceptable and flashing your lights if someone is going too slow is not illegal as it is in the UK, once you accept all this everything falls into place and there is consequently very little use of the horn.

When I got back I passed the main Polish caravan where one of the guys was having a cigarette on the deck and nursing his head, the main man on the Bulgarian van was cooking lunch for his buddies and invited me to join him but discretisation........ starting that early on the red wine was not a good idea with tomorrow’s drive to Calais in mind so I did the sensible thing and said thanks but no thanks.

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