Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Heading West.

My overnight stop on Thursday was in Swellendam but I arrived too late to visit the museum which is apparently the number one thing to do in this town, it had been raining all day and did not stop all the time I was there so Thursday night was a washout, literally.
I had been looking forward to getting to Wilderness where I arrived on Friday morning because I had plans to go canoeing, cycling etc etc but after the dodgy meal I had on Thursday night I have had to stay close to home and now that is clearing up my knees are complaining. I was  getting frustrated by all this but after a deep breath I am beginning to enjoy the relaxed side of travelling which in my case seems to be driving from cafe to cafe sampling the healing benefits of carrot cake. I did pay a brief visit to the farmers market in Sedgefield it was impressive, over a hundred stalls selling fruit and veg and all sorts of honey, herbal medicines ethnic food you name it, I will go again next week. I walked the first half of Wilderness beach on Saturday with my shirt off, wrong move, I was only walking for about an hour but now have more sunburn than I wanted.
Sunday's trips.......
The Woodville Big Tree, I have a feeling there may be more "Big Trees" around, watch this space
Map of Africa

Yesterday was a recce of Sedgefield and I made arrangements to view some properties tomorrow and today I went as far as Plettenberg Bay (my next stop) to recce that and Knysna as well, there are a lot of places to visit and things to do I just hope all the pills I am taking work.

Buffalo Bay, definitely on the visit list especially as you can walk there from Knysna of canoe down from the main Garden Route road.

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