I am staying in a complex for a week with no WiFi, and with the temperature in the mid 20s I cannot find The enthusiasm to go looking for wiFi cafés so I will save any thoughts I have for one big hit later.
A week in the mid 20s ..... Thanks for sharing that Bobbins .... Just saw a brass monkey go bye looking for a welder. Have a great one , catch you later. BB xx
I'd do without WiFi in exchange for a week in the mid 20's!!!! Really wish I'd seen you when you were visiting over this way...but hopefully next time. Emma xx
A week in the mid 20s ..... Thanks for sharing that Bobbins ....
ReplyDeleteJust saw a brass monkey go bye looking for a welder.
Have a great one , catch you later.
I'd do without WiFi in exchange for a week in the mid 20's!!!!
ReplyDeleteReally wish I'd seen you when you were visiting over this way...but hopefully next time.
Emma xx
Don't blame you far too warm.xx