Friday, 28 September 2018

Grub and Hoorays.

When in France you have to try the local regional delicacies which in the Dordogne are foie gras and truffles, I have had truffles before and they are good, so yesterday after a cycle ride I carried on to the Le Temps Des Mets restaurant in the lovely village of  Saint Jean de Cote, the setting is everyone’s ideal of a French village but I am afraid the foie gras and the following duck breast were a bit too nouvelle cuisine for me and a little over complicated flavour wise, as an antidote to this I am going to an Irish pub tonight for Guinness and pub grub.

We were out today exploring the town of Riberac which reputedly has the largest market in the area but which according to the guidebook despite being very popular with the British has little else to offer, I must agree with that statement, I seemed to be dogged on my stroll around the market by this Hooray Henry with a loud braying voice, everywhere I went he was there telling everyone that he had bought some incredibly smelly cheese and that he had now moved here with his American wife. The trip only got worse from there I had planned on lunching in the village of Aubeterre sur Drone but the   experience was ruined by loud Home Counties accents, I guess these are the remainers thinking that they are abandoning the sinking ship, we are better off without them.

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