On my last trip down here I made a comment on my blog that Vejer de la Frontera was deserving of a visit for a day or even a weekend. Yesterday I took the scenic route through the mountains and on back roads to Vejer meeting hardly any traffic on the way, imagine my horror to find that thousands of people agreed with my thoughts of four years ago, the place was packed to the rafters so I beat a hasty retreat only to find long traffic queues on the coast road, fortunately not in my direction of travel. I gave up and went back to Jimena where I made the aquaintance of Gonçalo an itinerant artist who was recovering from a five day party at the local fiesta, he had an interesting view on his entitlement to an income from the government to pay for his drink, drug and smoking habits but he is a talented artist and sculptor.
I must make a mention of Melissa who owns and runs Casa Henrietta, the place is clean, very reasonably priced and a delightful place to stay.
This morning after a leisurely breakfast I took the mountain roads again and headed up to meet Keira and Kay who are renting through Airbandb for two weeks, their little cabin is on the outskirts of Seville but 400 metres from the nearest houses and part of a farm type complex with chickens, dogs, bats and lizards for company but most of all a little swimming pool, wonderful.
Did you visit Zahara de los Atunes whilst in this area? Well worth a visit for the food alone.