Wednesday, 18 November 2015

5 weeks in Cyprus

I had a great start to this trip and I was sitting in Frankie and Bennie's ordering breakfast within 15 minutes of joining the bag drop queue, there is something to be said for using smaller airports like Liverpool for the whole relaxed, friendly atmosphere - even the security staff smile! I had a small panic attack after dropping my hand luggage but the casings and the disc drive all clipped back into place on my laptop and as you can see it is working OK.
It is good to be back in warm temperatures and I managed a Mixed Sandwich for lunch and souvlaki for dinner on my first day. The fly in the ointment is someone kindly gave me a dose of the lurgy, so I have had two days of feeling sorry for myself but the kindly local pharmacist recommended a medication called Snip and it seems to be doing the job. Knowing Cyprus this drug is probably still in the testing stage or on the banned drugs list in the UK but it is working for me.
So tomorrow the adventures begin with some local exploring of places I don't think I have been before and to see if there is anywhere I would like to live/hibernate in the Winter.

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